Thursday, July 29, 2010

"The Opened Eye" (with Gen. 2 & 3 in mind)

In a moment, a twinkling & blinking of the eye,
a destiny can be changed.  Change takes place,
altered forever.  The vision before you...from a vision that beheld glory...innocence...simplicity..."a hearing" that heard
the voice of the creator...that awesome presence
that walked with them in the cool of the day,
in sweet communion and fellowship. 

     They could know the wisdom, the deep things of God; but with opened eyes, they beheld the nakedness and tried to hide themselves.   "What have you done?"  Shame-filled eyes were now opened to sin.   In the presence of the Holy One, it was devastating.   Disobedience does this to human souls.   God would reveal the preciousness of Who He is, His Nature and Character, His Power, His Word, Yes, even the deep things of the Spirit, which is for the hungering souls that make "Knowing God" their vital necessity.  But instead, in a moment, the eye is opened to sin and its world.  The depths of Satan and evil are revealed one depth at a time.  God have mercy, and help us to hold fast to the place you have placed us in, where we grow in You, in Grace, faith and Love, becoming the plantings of the Lord, trees of righteousness, with all manner of fruit growing abundantly. 

     Let our eyes be opened with that precious eye salve so we can see to do.  "That I might see"...said Blind Bartemaus.  The opened eyes to behold the glorious presence of our matchless, awesome Lord of Glory.  He will come in our garden, our place, where He has placed us, and walk in our garden with us in sweet fellowship and communion.  We tend, guard, keep and dress it to please Him for His glory and praise, revealing the "Deep Things of the Spirit" in all their awesome splendor.

     We choose this Lord, looking unto you with "enlightened eyes" as the Author and Finisher of our faith and life.  The best is ours, "With the eyes of a Dove" enlightened by God, for His good and His glory.

Daisy Anderson July 26th, 2010 ~ 9:30 a.m.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Here I am

When God was walking in the garden, in the cool of the day, He called out to His man...he hid himself.
He is still calling out to His people desiring for them to say, "Here I am." He has much to tell us for we are coming to the point in time that we must have everything He is abiding in us in order to stand against the terrible persecutions that are coming against all people. There will be no hope for those who have refused His call, disobeyed His Word, declared another as their God, and have not nor will not confess that His Son is Lord over all that is.  I say to Him, "I cry out for You, I want to be in Your Holy Presence...keep me in Your Way so that I walk the straight path of righteousness...the path where Your fullness will gather me...for I delight in Your precepts, Your Word I do hide in my eyes You have opened, and I will see Your ears are unstopped, I am able to hear Your voice...let me, I pray,  bring delight to Your heart and let me bring honor to Your Name"...I stand listening for Your Call, and I say, Here I am, Here I am Lord...and You, shine the light of Your glorious goodness upon me, and say to me... Here Am I!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Fire of Purity

My Pastor gave a message on the fire of His love and the fire of His holiness and as they meet their flame combines into one creating the fire of purity which consumes all things unlike caused me to cry out to the Father for Him to gather me and not leave me to myself...I must have the flame of purity burning in me so that I may be one who is called "the beloved of the Lord, in whom He delights."

What will kindle the fire of purity in my heart and what will make me faultless before the Father? I look up and cry out! Father! let the fire of Your love that has been shed abroad in my heart by Your Spirit, let it I pray come together with the fire of holiness and consume in me what is not of You...let, I pray the possession of my heart be holiness...cleanse me Father by the blood of Your Dear Son, my Savior, that I may continually worship and praise Your Holy Name...and Father with this burning, let heart peace arise with righteousness and strengthen my very being...give me courage by Your truth and mercy so I can withstand things that come which are not of You...I am Yours and You love me and You will never withhold any good thing from me...Your perfect desire for me is, for You Father to be able to say to me in that day, "Come up hither."

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Gather Me

O Lord my God, gather me so I will be hid from
the evil that comes against my soul;
I have put aside all that is within me so I may
reside in the place where Your righteousness
and Your truth abide...You are my hiding place and
my dwelling place; I shall know You, understand You...I shall 
obey and acknowledge You in all my ways;
All glory and honor is Yours and in the land of the
 living is my strength and there, all grace and peace
is mulitiplied to me.  Gather me quickly
Father; I am calling upon Your Name! 

"The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty
to save...He will take great
delight in you, He will quiet you with His love,
He will rejoice over you with singing..."

"I will gather you...I will bring you to Me,
you will be sheltered...I will give you
honor and praise among all..."
says the Lord
Zephaniah 3:17 & 20
God's Word Translation

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Theology of Rest...Mark 4:35-41

The incident recorded in Mark 4:35-41 is not an incident in the life of a man, but in the life of God as man.  This man asleep in the boat is God incarnate.  Jesus has said to the disciples, "Let us cross over to the other side."   When the storm arose, instead of relying upon Him, they failed Him.  The actual circumstances were so crushing that their common sense was up in alarm, their panic carried them off their feet, and in terror they awoke Him.  When we are in fear, we can do nothing less than pray to God.   But, our Lord has the right to expect of those who name His Name and have His nature in them, to have an understanding confidence in Him.  Instead of that, when we are at our wits' end we go back to the elementary prayers of those who do not know Him, and prove that we have not the slightest atom of confidence in Him and in His government of the world:  He is asleep...the tiller is not in His hand, and we sit down in nervous dread.  God expects His children to be so confident in Him that in a crisis they are the ones upon whom He can rely.  A great point is reached spiritually when we stop crying to God over personal matters or over any matter.  God expects of us the one thing that glorifies Him...and that is to remain absolutely confident in Him, remembering what He has said beforehand, and sure that His purposes will be fulfilled. "The Place of Help"...1935

Father, I heard my mother praying many years ago saying, "Lord give us a warriors heart."  And today I ask for a heart that will always hear...and the moment I hear...a heart to understand...and the moment I understand, my heart will say, "That is what I will be found doing." I name Your Holy Name and Your Nature is being formed in me and my desire is to glorify confidence is in You...Your Word is sure...and I will remember what You have said, and  I will see Your divine will accomplised...


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Seeking Your Fulness

Satisfy the hunger of my heart with Thee,
Quinch the thirst of my soul with thy truth;
Then shall I be full and satisfied,
Only to long for more and more of  Thee.
Where is the depth of thy love for me
or even the height of thy
 Tender mercies covering me?
There are unsearchable riches in
 Thee and there is no end.
So what have you said concerning
Your people whom You love?
You have said we will be
Consumed by all that You are. 

"Thou hast said, Seek ye my face.  
 My heart says  to thee,
Thy face, Lord do I seek."  (PS. 27:8 RSV)


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"The Calling" prophecy by Daisy Anderson

"I am calling My people to attention...Hear ye the word of the Lord...You will need to hear My instructions, so you will know what to do in the days ahead...These days are not taking Me by surprise, for I know the plan & purpose of the evil one...I would have My people to be prepared to stand and stand fast in the power of My word...Only My willing ones, My Obedient ones will hear Me and obey My instruction...For, instruction will cause you to know the way to walk, <to walk in victory>, knowing that I am leading you by My Spirit...I know the way, and you will be kept from the paths of the destroyer!  The "calling forth" has begun...I called Abraham our of Ur and he obeyed, I called Israel our of Egypt and Moses, My servant, by My instructions and power, brought My people out of Egypt...Through his obedience they came forth out of bondage & captivity...So, in this hour, the call is sounding out to who-so-ever will, to come and follow "the path of blood" that was shed by My Son, Your Redeemer, to bring you into a new and living way...You have My word to instruct, to teach, and to give you a true understanding of the way...For soon, and very soon, the "last call" will come and the trump will sound, and those who have obeyed My instruction will be caught up to forever and eternally be with Me... Hear My voice and be quick to obey, for great shall be the rejoicing of My obedient ones!  Make your calling and election sure!!